FGM Risk Indication System

FHIR Messaging

The FHIR resource profiles within this DMS have been created to support the FGM Risk Indication System Spine 2 interface:

  • FGM RIS Query Request - FHIR resource profiles combined to support the Spine 2 FGM RIS Query inbound message interface.
  • FGM RIS Query Request Response - FHIR resource profiles combined to support the Spine 2 FGM RIS Query Response outbound message interface.

Base Resources

Implementers of the FGM Risk Indication System Spine 2 interface are required to support the following optional Base Resource elements (and properties) which are defined for all FGM resources within this DMS:

1. Resource Identity:

Each resource has an "id" element which contains the logical identity of the resource assigned by the server responsible for storing it.

Resource id Type Usage
id (0..1) id Logical id of this resource. Resources always have a known identity except for the special case when a new resources is being sent to a server to assign an identity (create interaction). The logical identity is unique within the space of all resources of the same type on the same server. Once assigned, the identity is never changed. Note that if the resource is copied to another server, the copy might not be able to retain the same logical identity. Logical ids are case sensitive. Logical Ids are always opaque, and external systems need not and should not attempt to determine their internal structure. A logical id SHALL always be represented in the same way in resource references and URLs. Ids can be up to 64 characters long, and contain any combination of upper and lowercase ASCII letters, numerals, "-" and ".".

2. Resource Metadata:

Each FHIR resource profile contains an element "meta", of type "Meta", which is a set of metadata that provides technical and workflow context to the resource.

Metadata Item Type Usage
profile (0..*) uri This defines resource profiles that are described in the FGM FHIR Messages section of the DMS e.g. Spine-Request-MessageHeader-1-0 http://fhir.nhs.net/StructureDefinition/spine-request-messageheader-1-0

Further Information

For more information about message profiles visit the Profiling FHIR and for resource Metadata visit Base Resource Definitions.